Friday, December 4, 2015

Hello. If you're reading this, thanks a ton. I have been trying to share my stories with the world, although none are true. I've tried Wattpad, and it works out nicely, but not too many people see. Not too many notice. I have many followers, but the likes are very few.
That's why I need you. That's why I need you to help me.
My name is Raven Arella and I have a problem. I have an addiction to books, to stories, to fine literature. And I'm afraid I will never be helped.
My name is Raven Arella and I admit I need help.
You're my only hope.

-From Yours Truly

My Wattpad is RavenArella
My real name will never be known, so call me Raven
My Tumblr is RavenArella
I have practically the same username for everything
Have fun reading my things! I hope you enjoy poking into the little cracks I let leak of my life.
Also! If you ever want me to post a book you have written, I would gladly do it and you would recieve full credit both from me and the viewers.